Wednesday, July 30, 2008


1075px x 775px
Corel Painter RealBristle Brushes

Okay, wow. I'm gonna be the first to say I don't know where this came from. One minute I was working on "Medieval Love" and the next I created this still life. This took about 4 hours total--a record time for me. I chose the title mannequin because it's figurative without having the figure involved. The copper rose and the mask are both echoes of living things. Like a mannequin, they are reference for something more, but in this painting, they take on their own meaning as something entirely different.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Medieval Love- In Progress

In Progress

So I decided to enter one of those Gaia contests, and I'm going for "Most Passionate." So far, I've figured out the anatomical structure of the figures, laid out the back ground, and put some color on, but I still need to edit the color and add more detail...the part I find most tedious. I like creating something fast and passionately, so when it comes to perfecting, I struggle sometimes. I feel like there's some technique I'm missing, some magical touch that will create clarity in the image. But for now, I'm just gonna do it the way I know how-detail by detail.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


These peonies were calling to me the moment their fragrance reached me. So in the tradition of the Dutch masters, I decided to paint them. I had so much fun with each blossom, and then the leaves shot up onto the canvas before I knew it. I'm thinking about making prints of this one, so let me know if you're interested!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Art Nouveau

Art Nouveau

I decided to create an art nouveau style image because it's one of my favorite genres in art. So fluid yet controlled, and so natural. Hope you like it!